Education Level Offered: UnderGraduate
Gender Basis: Co Ed College
Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (CMCH&RC) is located on the Trichy – Chennai National Highway 45 in Irungalur village,Mannachanallur,Trichy,TamilNadu, India.This Centre was started as a multi-specialty 350 bedded teaching hospital in the year 2008 (Essentiality Certificate: Government Letter no 54396/MCA2/2007-3. Dated 27.06.08, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu, Chennai). CMCH&RC is well connected by road, rail and air with major towns of Tamil nadu and India.There is a good road network connecting almost all the villages of this area. Currently it has a bed strength of 750.
This institution is the long felt wish of Thiru Thandavarayapuram Ramasamy Dr. T. R. Pachamuthu, Chancellor of the SRM group of instituitions and the Chancellor of SRM University. SRM is an abbreviation for Sri Ramasamy Memorial. SRM ventured into higher education in 1984, and since then it has grown and gained recognition at the National and International level. It is the Chancellor’s wish to have a medical college in a rural area, considering the needs of the rural mass. His vision of providing modern medical care and education in a rural area is fulfilled by establishing this institution in Irungalur village of Manachanllur Taluk, Tiruchirapalli of Tamil Nadu State. In recognition of the achievements and contributions of Thiru Thandavarayapuram Ramasamy Patchamuthu, to educational science including health care and technology, he was conferred Doctorate by the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Environment, Birmingham City University (BCU) of United Kingdom on February 19, 2010 ( The title is conferred for the excellent work rendered by him in the field of Engineering and Technology education.
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Medicine in General
Category: Medicince and Surgery
Degree: MBBS
Mode: Full Time
Medium: Campus
Duration: 5 Years 6 Months